Tuesday, April 20, 2010

Signs are up and we're having Knit Night. Stitches is Saturday, too

Well, the signs are up. Check out the new picture on the Ewe Knit page. There is a double-sided sign at the road, too. More is going to be done to that one, but it is up and that is what counts right now! High Definition Signs put them up yesterday.

This Thursday is Knit Night. Please come and knit or crochet with us. We have a great time! Also, Saturday is Stitches. Yay!!!! I need to have a count of all who will be going. My email is not letting me send out large mailings right now, so I have to depend on Facebook to help me out. If you are definitely going, comment on either my page or the store page. WE will meet here at 9 am Saturday morning. Bring enough money to get in and for lunch. Also, you will need money if you are going to make purchases.  Or...you can throw a sandwich in your knitting bag and you can eat with us there. This is going to be great fun and I hope you can make it!

In the coming days, I will be offering Spa Night. Anyone interested can let me know. I will teach you how to make spa products like: bath salts and soap and how to present them for a great, never to be forgotten gift for someone! And...you saved LOTS of money making it yourself. This is just one of several classes we will be having that are different. At the spa class, we plan on having some tea and crumpets (cookies) and just make a night of it. Stay tuned for more....

Shannon Dunbabin, owner of Cascade Yarn, came yesterday to see our store, take pictures, blog about us and then sat down and talked to us about yarn. She explained about how waslable wool is made. Some people think it is coated with acrylic...no...the little burrs are removed and that makes the wool not felt anymore. She explained that Knit Picks put out a release not too long ago and admitted that instead of taking these little thingeys off they just GLUED THEM DOWN! Yuk! No wonder it is not a good feeling wool! Anyway, some cheaper yarns are actually coated with stuff other than glue, but at some point the stuff will start to felt! Who knew? So, folks, it pays to buy good yarn. Right? Right!

We had a good time looking at all the beautiful yarn and talking. Shannon invited any of us who would like to for a visit to Cascade's booth. If anyone has made anything out of her yarns, bring it with you and she is going to take pictures of all the stuff you have made and post it on the blog! How fun!
Sorry you missed out on this little event yesterday. Bev Dittmer came and had a great time.

Come on over Thursday night and knit or crochet with us and just relax. That is the main reason, besides socializing, we have Knit Night. There are 5 Thursdays in the month so we will be having Knit Night Next WEEK, too! 2 in a row. Whooo hoooo. Come and check out the new yarn, too.

Hope you are having a good week. See you Thursday or before.


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